Word of the day – “Mbaqanga”
Mbaqanga is a style of South African music with rural Zulu roots that continues to influence musicians worldwide today. The style originated in the early 1960s and took off with the likes of The Mahotella Queens, Mahlathini, Dolly Rathebe and Mirriam Makeba. Mbaqanga influenced music styles like Bubblegum and Afro-dance pop back in the 1980s which brought about artists like Yvonne Chakachaka and Brenda Fassie. In 2003 a Norwegian group released a tribute track titled All the Way Back (Shades of Mbaqanga) and the genre continues to thrive in certain parts of South Africa.
brenda fassie, mahlathini, mahotella queens, mbaqanga, music, words, zulu